Tuesday, May 11, 2010

All you need is...

Love. It is such a beautiful word. It contains within it the hope all of us have to experience a deep connection with someone in this life. Love is something that we reserve for those who are the closest to us, our family and friends. We keep the word to ourselves until we know that it is ready to be fully unleashed, because once that tiger is out of the cage there is no getting it back in. It's a strong word. Ever been in this conversation?
Jill: Jack, I want to tell you something.
Jack: What's that, Jill?
Jill: We have been seeing each other for a few months, and I wanted you to know that I love you.
Jack: (about 10 seconds of silence) Wow, that's really sweet. Thank you.
We all know that this very brief conversation led to at least three hours of Jack trying to console Jill who is alternately crying, screaming and slapping. Love is a very powerful thing. It's no wonder that we reserve it for those who we think we can trust with it. But is that enough?
Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
Matthew 5:44
In Jesus' own words, the Bible tells us that we are supposed to share this precious commodity with the people who hate us. The people who are rude, cruel, insensitive, unappreciative, hostile, selfish and careless towards us. The people who hurt us and keep hurting us. The people who use us and abuse us. That's a tall order, but it's not debatable. There's another side to it as well.
Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
1 John 4:7-8
Loving others is not just a command, it comes with a promise. If you love others you will know God, because love comes from him. If you lack love for others, you cannot know God. Lovelessness will create a wall between you and God that keeps you from growing close to him because it is so contrary to his very nature. And yet, if you can love selflessly and unconditionally it will draw you closer to him.

If you want to know God more, who do you need to love more? Who do you need to forgive? Who do you need to release from your anger, bitterness and resentment? Love comes from God. What better way to get closer to him?


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