Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Show Me Change

It's officially over! Barack Obama is our new president. It has been a historic election, and he is a historic candidate that represents not only the positions of the people who voted for him, but the power of the American ideal that says success is available to all Americans no matter their race, gender or religion. I think it's pretty cool that, regardless of political ideology, America has taken a giant step toward closing the book on stained portions of our history by electing an african american as our president.

I still see the yard signs for Obama that say, Show Me Change, and every time I do they make me think. I still have romantic notions that a political figure will be able to sweep in and change our country for the better, that one man will have the ability to unify us under the ideals that our nation stands for. But the truth is that while I hope for change in our country, I will have to see it to believe it. Politics is politics. You make promises to get power, and what you do with it is often a different matter.

But change is available for all of us regardless of the man leading our country. There was another man who brought change to the whole world. He didn't promise freedom from high taxes or from wars, but freedom from the the prison of our own guilt. He didn't promise to give us a more prosperous life, he promised to give us eternal life...abundant as it was meant to be lived with purpose and destiny. He didn't promise to make our circumstances better, but to give us perfect joy no matter what our circumstances are. You want real change? Jesus is the only one who can give you that. He changes who you are. He changes who you will be. The old you us gone and a new one is waiting to take shape. That's change I can believe in.

He doesn't need my vote to change the world, but he has it anyway.


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