Dear Facebook Part II
Dear Facebook,
There are times in every man's life when he must come to grips with the fact that he does not know everything and cannot possibly be right all the time. Those moments are rare for me (as those who know me well can attest), but in your case, FB, I have to step up and admit that I was wrong.
It was just over a year ago on July 14, 2008 that I publicly professed in this blog all of the frustrations that I had with you. I felt you were a little too coy, playing hard to get. Your interface both attracted and confused me leaving me unsure where our relationship really stood. Maybe I just wasn't ready for your world twelve months ago. Maybe our time wasn't until now, but Facebook, you were the one for me. Email is great but limited, and using Myspace feels like walking into a Jackson Pollack painting of the lawless wild west. But, Facebook, you have everything I want out of a social networking site. You were always the one.
So now I will post all the pictures that I take (without cropping out the elements that may not make me look like like some people - you know who you are). I will text them from my cell phone. I will poke those I am thinking about. I will have a mob war. I will like wall posts. I will chat at will. I will fight in my sorority. I will update my status regularly. I will keep Tom on my friend list. I will tend to my farm, and I will support causes! And together, we will face this bright future with eyes up and hearts strong! Hand in hand, Facebook, we can conquer any foe, climb any mountain and swim any ocean!
(The preceding is a paid advertisement.)
There are times in every man's life when he must come to grips with the fact that he does not know everything and cannot possibly be right all the time. Those moments are rare for me (as those who know me well can attest), but in your case, FB, I have to step up and admit that I was wrong.
It was just over a year ago on July 14, 2008 that I publicly professed in this blog all of the frustrations that I had with you. I felt you were a little too coy, playing hard to get. Your interface both attracted and confused me leaving me unsure where our relationship really stood. Maybe I just wasn't ready for your world twelve months ago. Maybe our time wasn't until now, but Facebook, you were the one for me. Email is great but limited, and using Myspace feels like walking into a Jackson Pollack painting of the lawless wild west. But, Facebook, you have everything I want out of a social networking site. You were always the one.
So now I will post all the pictures that I take (without cropping out the elements that may not make me look like like some people - you know who you are). I will text them from my cell phone. I will poke those I am thinking about. I will have a mob war. I will like wall posts. I will chat at will. I will fight in my sorority. I will update my status regularly. I will keep Tom on my friend list. I will tend to my farm, and I will support causes! And together, we will face this bright future with eyes up and hearts strong! Hand in hand, Facebook, we can conquer any foe, climb any mountain and swim any ocean!
(The preceding is a paid advertisement.)
wow. i guess i should be glad that i got a shoutout in this...too bad it was only to make fun of me!
just remember who it was that turned you to facebook in the first place.
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