Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lost and Found

Weeks and weeks ago I lost my iPod - poof, gone. I thought it had fallen out of our van somewhere between Kansas City and St. Louis. I was devastated and crushed. I was crestfallen and dismayed. I was broken and bemused...the gist of this being that I was not happy about losing my iPod.

Fast forward to this morning. Our scene is set...

Time: July 23, 8:20 am

Place: Chris' Office
Chris walks into his office and sits in the large office chair that is really too big to fit in such a small room. He cuts a handsome figure as he quite responsibly goes through his morning email. From below comes a growling noise. Chris has not eaten breakfast and his stomach is not happy with him. It is telling him, unintelligibly, that it desires some sustenance right now. Chris reaches down to his computer tower. On top of it is resting a box of Quaker Oatmeal packets. The flavor is pumpkin spice. It is delicious. Upon looking into the box, Chris realizes that he is down to his last oatmeal packet. He falls to one knee, raises both fists to the sky and shouts, "Why?!?" It echoes throughout the whole office, resounding off the confining walls.

Resigned to savoring this last pumpkiny treat, Chris reaches in and pulls out the packet. Something catches his eye. There is still something in the box. What could it be? A toy surprise? An unexpected extra packet of oatmeal? A dead bug? Chris draws closer to the box. His heart begins to pump harder and faster as his body prepares it's fight or flight response. He almost closes his eyes as the weight of the unexpected bears down on him, but he remains strong. He is a strong man. Very strong. Not just emotionally, but muscularly as well. He has huge guns would be the main point of the last few sentences...the author digresses.

Chris looks down into the empty box of oatmeal to realize that it is not done gifting him with goodness yet, because laying at the bottom is his missing iPod. He jumps up on his desk and screams to the sky with both hands raised, "YIPPEEEEEE!" He then pauses to think about why he yelled such a dumb word before getting down and sitting at his computer to blog to the world about what a great morning he has had.
I hope you enjoyed this scene. No details were changed or ommitted to protect the innocent.


Blogger Lauren Liberty said...

that's so exciting...and probably the best story i've ever heard about finding something.
oatmeal box? really?

July 23, 2009 at 10:33 AM  

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