Holiday Sausages

So we had our Christmas Smackdown overnighter last Friday and IT WAS AWESOME! Granted, I am getting to an age where staying up all night is the equivalent of getting punched in the kidney over and over again by Andre the Giant, but even considering the effects of sleep deprivation and old age I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
The competition was intense, but the highlight of the night was a game called Holiday Sausages. Here's how 'tis played (emphasis on 'tis for Christmas effect):
Select two representatives from each team. Have the two people sit in front of each other (each on their own side). A person from one team is chosen to start by asking a person from the other team a question. They can ask any question, but the answer must always be the same “Holiday Sausages”. The person answering must not laugh or smile, and if he does so successfully, his team gets a point. If he laughs or smiles, his team has to ask the other team a question. Everyone plays this until all have had a turn or two. Whichever team ends with the most points is the winning team!Some of the questions we had were real winners. I've done my best to remember them to list them below. If I've forgotten any of the best ones, feel free to remind me.
What did you bursh your teeth with this morning?Try it sometime. It might change your life.
What time is it?
What rhymes with Holiday Snausages?
When there's something strange in your neighborhood, who you gonna call?
Who let the dogs out?
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