Wednesday, September 24, 2008

5 Nights of Fear

It's back! 5 Nights of Fear begins at The Creek on Wednesday, 10/1 and will continue through the month of October. This is one of my all-time favorite Creek events that we do and I am SOOOO excited. This year, along with the disgusting games, we are going to look into the dark corners of our own souls to see what is really inside of us...what shakes out when we face life and all it's challenges. What will the bible have to say about cannibalism, murder, witchcraft and demon possession and how those things relate to us today.

We will be giving away tons of 5 Nights shirts to visitors and those who bring them as well as an iPod at the end of the series. I can promise you that this is not something you will want to miss.

Watch last year's wrap-up video here.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I love music. There was a point in my life where I would have said my whole life was about music: writing it, recording it, performing it. There is probably nothing else in the world that communicates so universally. I could probably go to any nation in the world, stand in a crowded room and shout, "Who let the dogs out?!?" and half the room would shout back, "Who, who, who, who!" Music has a way of sinking into our souls, into our consciousness. It defines us. When I meet someone new, as an icebreaker I almost always ask what kind of music they like (I've actually found that it's better to ask them what their top five albums of all time are, not including compilations unless it is a soundtrack). It tells me more about who that person is and wants to be in one sentence than just about anything else they could say.

Music also has a lot to tell us about the world we live in. What are our favorite artists singing about? What topics are addressed on the radio? What questions are the artists of our generation asking? It's good to know because they are probably the same questions the person sitting next to you at school are asking. They are probably the same questiosn your co-worker at Fed-Ex Office (or Fed-O's as I like to call it) are asking. The great thing about questions is that there are always answers, and all the answers can be found in God's word. The Bible is an infinite resource of truth ready to answer the tough questions in our culture and in our hearts. I hope that your music is making you think about the tough questions. I also hope that you are looking to God for the answers. They are there.

I Just Gotta Dance

I know that putting videos in my blog may appear to be a mark of laziness, but sometimes you just gotta put something up. Why couldn't God have given me the dancing gene? Why not me?!?!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Please Forgive

I hope that you will forgive me for being kind of delinquent in my blog posting of late. Things have been crazy busy at Eagle Creek. This Sunday we launched to two services and the build up to it has been hectic, exhausting and stressful. Even so, it is really exciting to see what God is doing in our church. People's lives are being changed as they develop deeper and more lasting relationships with God. A week does not go by that someone doesn't lift a hand acknowledging their need for God and asking him to make them new. God is doing something transformative in us and it is really only the beginning. The potential for what he can accomplish in the lives of the people of Eagle Creek is astounding. I'm just doing my best to be as close to the action as possible without getting in the way.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Yoghurt Pants

I know that yogurt is spelled wrong, but words cannot describe how great I think this is.