Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On Your Marks...Get Set...

On Sunday night we started second group of students going through the D1 Discipleship program. It is pretty intense. It includes reading a book on spiritual disciplines, daily Bible reading and prayer, journaling, fasting and memorizing a full chapter of the Bible. It is a real commitment, that is for sure. But for me, when I look at the students who are just beginning this six week journey to become more like Christ, I don't see how hard it is going to be. I don't see how much work or concentration it is going to take to memorize Romans 6. I don't see how tough it will be to be focused enough every day to read something and write in a journal about what you got out of it. I don't see the mountain. I see what is on the other side. I see the potential for what Jesus can do with the lives of these incredibly dedicated students if they give themselves to him one hundred percent. I see God's power and joy growing in their lives beyond what they could have ever expected or imagined. I see them making an impact for God that will resonate throughout human history.

As they kick off from the starting line, I'll be cheering them on the whole way.


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